Members may be aware of the introduction of cheque imaging across the bank network by the Cheque and Credit Clearing Company (CCCC). This means that customers will increasingly be able to scan their own cheques with a phone into their accounts and have access to the funds within one working day. As this rolls out during 2018 and once it is marketed by the banks, it is predicted that this will become the norm over time. Details can be found at;
Barclays for example are now on the second phase of their pilot and have encouraged some customers to use the facility with their Androids or iPhones.
This may have an impact for third party cheque cashers. Inevitably some customers will prefer to put cheques straight into accounts since they can do it from home and it will clear within 24 hours, but perhaps more importantly it does raise the potential for fraud because the customer retains the physical cheque. They could try and re-cash the cheque at an unsuspecting pawnbroker.