Application & Subscription Rates

If you would like to join the NPA complete the application form on-line, print off and sign before returning by post or fax to us.

Click here to download the application form »

Click here to download the information pack »

It should be completed and sent to:

The National Pawnbrokers Association
2nd Floor
289 Green Lanes
Palmers Green, 
London, N13 4XS

Tel: 07735 886930

On receipt of the application form arrangements are made for either a member of the Secretariat or a member of the NPA Council to visit the pawnbroker's trade premises.

The purpose of this visit is not only to ensure that the applicant, premises and procedures meet appropriate standards, but also to provide direct help and advice to a new entrant to the profession or simply new to membership of the Association.

A decision, in principal, is usually made before the conclusion of the visit and membership formally begins upon ratification by the NPA Council.

Subscription Rates

NPA subscription rates are competitive with other trade organisations and fees are paid annually. The subscription rate is reviewed by the Council from time to time.

The NPA is committed to providing professional, reliable, compliant and yet commercial assistance and to giving high quality service to Members and at an affordable level. The Association is not entirely dependent upon membership subscriptions for income and therefore it aims to keep membership subscriptions to a minimum.

We believe the NPA offers today's pawnbrokers great value and our Members agree!

The annual subscription fees are as follows:

  • ​One off joining fee - £200
  • Head Office - £870
  • Up to 21 Branches - £233
  • Up to 150 Branches - £106
  • More than 150 Branches - £42


At local, national and international level the NPA speaks with a powerful voice for today's pawnbrokers - can you really afford not to belong?