FREE- Employment Law events announced by NPA and Croner


We have teamed up with Croner employment lawyers

With the increased risk of rising tribunal claims, issues around zero hours contracts, and other employment issues, NPA are pleased to announce that they have teamed up with Croner employment lawyers for series of free events for members. Croner state that the number of Employment Tribunal claims in the Retail Sector are rising – following the abolishing of tribunal fees by the Supreme Court in July 2017. Employees are now more likely to make a claim, which can cost around £5,000+VAT in Solicitors fees for one off tribunal support.  These events will help members protect their businesses from the imminent risk of rising claims.

Workshop Content: The events will also cover Zero Hours Contracts and how to use them effectively; disciplinaries and top tips for managing difficult situations; important health & safety information and managing sickness absence.  

Each event includes a complementary buffet lunch

Event details – Save the date!

  • Manchester: January 18th 2018, from 9.30am to 1.30pm

  • Birmingham: February 22nd, from 9.30am to 1.30pm

  • London area: March 22nd, from 9.30am to 1.30pm

    You can pre-book by contacting, and we will pass details to Croner, or closer to the time you will be able to register direct with Croner. First come first served whilst seats last.....

Don’t forget: Your membership includes access to Croner’s free advice lines, which offer 24/7 support on Tax & VAT, Employment Law issues, Health and Safety support and commercial legal advice, Free advice line: 0844 755 0560 and quote Scheme Number: 80266.