Categories are:
-Employer of the Year -Best Store
-Community Contribution -Employee of the Year
Store of the Year
Who can enter? Any member any size
Criteria? Great store design/layout, good customer service and sound financial results through high performing management.
Employer of the Year
Who can enter? Any member any size
Criteria? Motivated staff, strong performance, good training and professionalism and happy customers.
Community Contribution
Who can enter? Any member any size
Criteria? Good engagement with the community eg raising money for charity, local initiative or national campaign. Positive staff response, good feedback from the area and community impact.
Employee of the Year
Who can enter? Any employee can be entered
Criteria? Job Role and job description, time at company, evidence of success achieved and quotes
To enter contact or call 020 8616 7267 for entry guidelines and form
Closing date for applications - 10th August
Kindly sponsored by;
T H March, Bransom, Birmingham Assay Office, Western Union, Pressman Bullion, Retail Systems