NPA Training - Online Courses Update


New course modules have been added to the Continuing Professional Development segment of NPA's online training

NPA have added new courses to their online training provision of Continuing Professional Development. The Vulnerability module focuses on training for staff to be compliant with your vulnerability policy as required by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA identified that nearly 50% of people are vulnerable at some point in their life (FCA Financial Lives) and this course should help your staff identify concerns and manage issues appropriately and sensitively. The second new course is about social media and specifically Instagram which many now see as the major platform for reaching your customer profile. This has been designed to help those who want to get started in the medium and how to approach social media from a business perspective. However if you are planning to go as far as to actively promote your services online it would be beneficial to look at Social Media Guidance -FCA on the NPA members area, or read CONC 3 carefully. Our courses are recognised as important by the FCA and represent good practice in training and evidencing that training for pawnbroking staff. Students receive a certificate for passing the multiple choice questions.

With the support of StoneHawk and their #stopsmashandgrabs initiative, NPA have made updates to the Armed Robbery module. Within the module you will also find information regarding the specialised training StoneHawk provide and how it can help you protect your employees and business.


Ray Perry comments “We aim to continue to increase the breadth and depth of the courses. We now offer 16 development courses in addition to the 5 modules which make up the Certificate in Pawnbroking Excellence. The courses are very popular with over 1,000 subscribers. It gives firms the opportunity to ensure staff are up to date as part of their appraisals and as evidence of professionalism to FCA and HMRC.”  


The cost of enrolment is £39 per person per year which gives access to all 21 courses which can be studied and sat online. The courses are constantly updated to ensure they remain accurate and relevant.